This Could Be The Best Gift For New Mom By Her Husband

Being a new mom, the lady is in a state of overwhelming changes, changes in her body, changes in her mind and changes in her health. She has no control over her emotions yet, or control over her food or schedule. She wouldn’t be getting as much sleep as her body would demand. And above all there is one tiny soul who is almost completely dependent on her. All the thoughts and emotions starts taking a toll of her. Under such circumstances, there are certain gestures that I think are the best gift for new mom by her husband.

Spare Some Quality Time For Her

Getting involved with your wife in parenting will the best gift for new mom by her husband. Not much just taking turns in feeding the baby. Being there for her when she completely lost faith in herself being a good mother. Be her booster. Encourage her that she is doing a good job. All she wants to know and listen from you is that you love her and always be there for her. That’s the best gift a husband can give to the mother of his children.

Consider reading:  Top Ideas On Pregnancy Gifts For First Time Moms

Plan A Surprise Day For Her

I know being a new mother is like being on the spotlight 24/7. But a few hours off wouldn’t hurt anybody. Especially after long days of sleepless nights and baby caring. It’s not like the mother doesn’t know it’s her duty and responsibility, but it would always be great if her husband was onboard with her for everything. Give her a few hours off, make a spa appointment for her, or book a movie show for her, or invite her friends for lunch with her. Something that will definitely aww her and take her mind off all the stress and anxiety. And as a father to the baby you too can handle everything by yourself you just need to put your mind to it.

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Read: 5 Tips For New Parents To Take Their Stress Away

Anything To Ease Her Efforts

Breastfeeding, diaper changes, giving baby a bath everything is extremely new for a first time mother, and if the husband is not around to help her at-least he can offer her some maternity products which will help and aid her in her work.

It can be a simple nursing pillow that will help her with the feeds and make her feel less tired, diaper Genie which will help her to put the diapers out in them so she doesn’t have to run to the trash every time, or a bottle steriliser which will help her keep all the feeding bottles clean at all times, a breast pump to ease her pains if the baby is not feeding herself enough. So the key here is knowing the need of your wife newly turned mother, and stepping in to help solve her problem.

The Emergency Box

Many of us might think why is it necessary, but when the baby is in need and the mother is in state of panic and the husband is not around the emergency box will come in handy. It must include all the emergency medicines that the baby might need like fever medicine, nasal spray, diary with emergency contacts in it, contacts of emergency cab or car service, anything that you could think of the mother might need when the husband is not around. And the new mother wouldn’t definitely appreciate your thought of being there for her in the time of crisis.

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Lastly, the new mother need the most from her husband is the love, that she got when she decided to make him the father of her children. The same love which no matter of her changed body or mood, will never change. The support and appreciation that she is doing a great job. And a strong shoulder to cry on if she ever feels low.

A happy mama, makes a happy baby,

So kiss her forehead and be there daily.

For you never know when the day will come,

When all she will ask you to love her some,

But you keep her always in your heart,

And remind her that she has always been there from the start.!!!

Also read: Struggles Of Breast Feeding For New Mothers

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