How Soon Is Too Soon For A Baby To Be Left In A Day Care

A mother brings a new being in this world, she nurtures her baby to be prepared to exist in God’s own land of mankind. Mothers of today’s generation is a multiplayer; she manages her house, her work life and various other responsibilities towards the society. To be able to manage all that, she obviously needs to leave the baby at the daycare.

It’s totally okay to leave your baby to the day care but what matters is that a baby’s foundation should be laid strong. This totally means that your child should have strong immunity and their body should be well prepared to fight against the diseases. Working mothers have less of options though but she should make sure to give enough time to her child before he/she can be left under someone else supervision.

Q: How soon you should leave your baby in the daycare?

A: Not before 8 months at least.

Kids in daycare

A mother is supposed to breastfeed the baby during the first six months, which is primarily important, but it can prolong for longer period if the mother wants. This clearly states that the mother can’t leave the baby during that period and must make sure that her child baby gets proper nurturing and care.

Intricate care of the kid involves full attention in bringing up him/her up without being negligent about anything as your life now revolves around your little one who expects most of your time and attention.

Sooner as the little ones are growing under your deemed care we can supplement our care with grandparents if you could afford. But if that’s not an option, then find an appropriate daycare for your kid.

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So, for independent mothers who have to manage everything alone, ideal time to leave your kid at day care would be only when your baby has completed 6-8 months and is little self-reliant. However, if you can manage one complete year, it would be great.

How to pick an appropriate day care?

Picking up a daycare is no joke. You must pick up a day care centre after doing enough investigation on 2 major levels:

  1. Good hygiene
  2. Proper responsibility

Both elements are extremely important, good hygiene would ensure your child’s good health while effective responsibility of the people at the daycare, would make your child grow well and taking your entire burden off. You need to make sure that you give proper instructions to the day care facility people. They should know every little details about your child.

With the rise in cost of living these days, both parents need to work in order to meet the day-to-day expenses. They don’t have any choice but to leave their kids at the daycare. Otherwise it’s never soon and appropriate to leave the child at daycare.

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