The journey of pregnancy as exciting it can be it is also sometimes a little off the edge for the mother. And if it’s a first time mother it sure gives her lots of surprises. It sometimes takes a step forward towards positive scenarios and vibes to make the mother understand that she is not into this journey alone. And the best way to do is by throwing her a baby shower. It can be a family and friends get together celebrating the mother and her baby which would give her immense amount of positive energy and boost to go all the way. But what can be the best way to show your love and care? How to plan best baby shower? What are the best baby shower ideas?
Who and how can you plan the best baby shower?
In our Indian culture it’s usually the family who throws the baby shower for the mother. But it also can be done by a bunch of her besties. Plan a quite weekend such that everyone can attend the party and be a part of the mother’s joy. Keep a calm mind and keep the mother’s best interest at heart and you would be surprised the number of ideas that would pop in your head. If ideas aren’t popping in your head here is a list of best baby shower ideas that might help you.
What are the best baby shower ideas?
1. Something traditional
Thinking on the lines of having a baby shower but don’t want to miss on the traditional Godh Bharai? Why not mix up both the events have the best of both worlds. Drape the mother in a traditional saree with her favourite kind of make up. Decorate the hall or the room with her favourite kind of flowers. Music which is soothing for the baby as well as the mother’s. Invite in all the elders and family to shower their blessing in both the mother and child. Among the other events keep in mind about the bangle offering ceremony for the mother. It can be a heart touching scenario for her. For something from the baby shower bag keep some fun games for the guest along with some beautiful return gifts to remember the day.
2. Pregnancy themed baby shower
This idea of baby shower is actually on the trend. The hall is decorated completely with stuff pertaining pregnancy or post pregnancy period. So you can have a diaper basket to set up on the table, pregnancy books that make a tower, mittens and clothes for the baby that is arranged like a cake, feeding bottles, breast pump everything stacked up beautifully to match the theme. Mother is dresses in an elegant pregnancy gown. All her friends and family are would be present to greet her showering ideas and advices on the pregnancy.
3. Movie themes baby shower
Off late if the mother has been on her third trimester of the pregnancy, outing, shopping or even a simple movie night wouldn’t be an option on her to do list. The thought of the same chair for three hours during the duration of the movie may seem like a night mare for her. All you can do is plan a baby shower in the evening behind on your backyard or quite simple room with the availability of projector system. All the guest can be invited over for a movie premiere after the party. Begin the movie night with picture of the mother and father through the journey of pregnancy followed by the movie. The movie can be one of the mother’s favourite ones. She would definitely remember the night.

4. Fun filled games and activities themed party
If the mother was an adrenaline junky there would be a very good chance that she would love this idea of baby shower. Plan the party in a game zone rent out the place for a couple of hours. But the game zone must be have games that can also be played by a pregnant lady without tiring herself. They can have a small treasure hunt planned for all the guest within the premises which can be managed by the mother. They can also have sporting events where the mother can be a spectator but will enjoy the show. Or a nice interesting game of dart throwing or simple Foss ball match.
5. Dance themes baby shower
If the mother was a big time dancer trust me she misses getting into her dance shoes. You give her a chance to live that moment. Prepare a salsa or tango or Bollywood dance style theme party. Dress up like your favourite celeb and light up the dance floor. Prepare a special dance dedicated to the mom to be to show her how important place she holds in your hearts. Play some music so the mother can do a slow dance hand in hand with her partner.
6. Outdoors baby shower
This party can be held either by the pool side, or in the green lawns whatever is liked by the mother. All the guest can be invited for a buffet of lunch or dinner. Mother can enjoy the company of her friends and family with elegant music and a simple get together kind of an occasion. Not much stress or worry for the mother. Just an evening of relaxation.
So folks I have put forth a bunch of ideas for the best baby shower. They can turn out to be the best baby shower ideas if you can think outside the box. Plan a day for your loved ones and see the joy in their eyes. There is nothing in a world that can beat a happy year from the mother’s eye. If you have any such beautiful baby shower ideas do share it with us. Try these baby shower ideas and do let us know how well they turned out for you. Please also include the mother’s reaction to the party along with your comments.
Happy pregnancy and parenting folks !!