Reasons That Prove Why You Should Go Organic Atleast For Your Baby 

Even before a baby is born, the new parents start planning for the arrival of their little bundle of joy. From clothes to diaper brands, from formula milk to toys, from baby care products to baby gears, they start exploring everything. Lately, we have been listening a lot about going organic, especially when it comes to our kids. Have you ever wondered what exactly organic is and why it is needed to choose it for your little ones? Should we stick to the conventional options or go organic for baby? Let’s read more and educate ourselves about it in this article today.

What is Organic:

In a layman’s language, organic is something that is free of chemicals and not treated with antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, herbicides or any other prohibited ingredients.

Reasons for going Organic for baby?

Pesticides/Chemicals Free: Conventionally grown crops are sprayed hugely with pesticides and herbicides to kill any bugs and keep the crops safe. This boosts the growth and produce also of the crop but it kills all the nourishment from the food and leaves residue of such fertilisers. It is said to be very harmful for the human body especially for the babies as their immunity is low and nervous system is still developing. Non-organic foods may cause many immunity related issues in the little ones hence it is a valid reason to go organic for baby.

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Antibiotics and hormones Free: One of the biggest reasons to go organic for baby is that it is free of any kind of antibiotics and added hormones. While conventionally grown food has it in abundance as farmers inject a lot of drugs, hormones and antibiotics to the crops for boosting the production. As we all know, antibiotics are prescribed by our doctors when we are sick and should not be consumed without any reason, then why to take a chance using non-organic products filled with such harmful substances?

BPA Free: In many researches, it has been proved that BPA (Bisphenol A) which is a type of plastic, causes cancer and many other diseases like asthma, hormonal imbalance etc. If you notice, you will find most of the organic products comes in BPA-free packaging keeping the overall health of our kids. Another big reason to go organic for baby.

Better and nutritional value: Since the crops are grown naturally and nourished organically free of any kinds of harmful substances or toxic fertilisers, the soil quality is better that results in better taste of the produce. Additionally, its increases the nutritional value of the food too as it has rich amount of Omega 3 fatty acids. Organic fruits and vegetables have a significantly higher antioxidant activity as compared to non-organic crops. Such dietary antioxidants reduces that chance of many diseases, help in fighting with various illnesses and infections, maintain better digestive system resulting in overall a healthy body. Every parent would want to give the best and hence go organic for their baby.

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These are a few major reasons why we should change our habits gradually and move to a better lifestyle. You may not realize but when you buy and promote organic products, you are indirectly saving the environment too. When farmers inject chemicals and pesticides and other toxic elements to their farms, the nearby areas are also affected, the health of the people exposed to such harmful substances is badly affected. So, be thoughtful and opt for a better and healthy life not only for yourself but for everyone around too.

Some highly recommended organic oils are available online. Here are some rated 4 or 4.5 out 5.

Also read: Must Have’s For Pregnancy Gift Basket and Story: In My Attempt On Trying To Be A Role Model To My Kids

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