List Of Best Baby Jhula (झूला) For Your Baby’s Sound Sleep!

When we think of baby necessities among all the many things baby jhula is a product which always pops in our minds. Jhula for baby is like a key to sound sleep. And who wouldn’t want a peacefully sleeping baby. Especially new horns tend to sleep for four to five hours at a stretch. They would wake up to feed just for about half an hour to one hour or so and they will get back to their sleep schedule. So basically a jhula can be a comfort zone for them, they feel safe there. The traditional jhula for baby that our grandparents and parents used to make out of their old cotton saree had many health benefits to it too. A new born baby’s skull is very delicate and fragile, the position that the baby sleeps continuously the shape of the skull tends to get modified according to it. So the concept behind the cloth jhula for baby was to give the baby a feel of his mother’s womb and also to safeguard the baby’s skull from taking improper shape. This article today is intended on browsing through different types of baby jhula online, baby jhula price and which newborn baby jhula suits you the best.

Best Baby Jhula In India

Option 1: Traditional baby jhula with rod

The winndow Cradle Hanger is made of heavy metal that can be used to hang your baby cradle; which has an added benefit and can be used in any room of your house. No nails or screws required for installation. You can fix this cradle hook on any window; whether it is of bedroom or dining hall. No need to drill your concrete room roof for your baby cradle. This baby jhula online is for apartments; hospitals and homes. This is one of the best jhula for baby.

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  • It comes with a mosquito net.
  • It’s ideal for baby between 0 – 2 years.
  • It’s washable and easy to hang to dry.

Price range (without rod): ₹ 400.00 – ₹ 800.00

Price range with rod: ₹ 1065.00 – ₹ 1765.00

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Option 2: Traditional yet new age jhula

This newborn baby jhula is a very uniquely designed to give the baby the comfort and sound sleep with an assurance to parents of their complete safety when they asleep away from your sight. The price range of this product varies between ₹ 1,000.00 – ₹ 8,000.00. The reason why the range is quite broad is because this one comes in 2 options, manual as well as automatic so parents can pick as per their requirement. Completely durable and sturdy material that makes your life a bit easier by making your baby sleep in peace.


  1. It is available in manual as well as automatic option.
  2. It’s comfortable to use.
  3. It can be accommodated in smaller rooms easily.
  4. It can be assembled easily.

Price range for manual baby jhula: ₹ 1,000.00 – ₹ 3,000.00

Price range for automatic baby jhula: ₹ 6,000.00 – ₹ 8,000.00

Manual baby jhula
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Automatic baby jhula:
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Option 3: Un-traditional Jhula

Not following the traditional design this baby cradle is built for comfort safety and and an enjoyable experience for your baby. It comes with a safety mosquito net too that ensures complete peaceful and healthy sleep for the baby.

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Baby jhula price of this option is on the higher side than the traditional jhula price but the product is worth its price. Some of its variety comes with a proper mosquito net. Here’s an option mentioned below:

Perfect for your baby girl.
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Perfect for your baby boy.
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Newborn baby jhula with big mosquito net.
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Option 4: Swing with Mosquito Net and Spring Set

Another best jhula for baby is this one. Matching traditional with technology this baby jhula online satisfies all your baby needs. Its durable iron hook and spring gives you a safety packed support. The attached mosquito net will give your baby a peaceful sleep with out and hazard. Best part is the price is totally amazing and affordable. Its one the best bought products on Amazon.

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Option 5: Newborn Baby Hanging Swing Jhula

This product comes from the makers of well known baby products range. So this baby jhula online is a very trustworthy product. Comes in different attractive design and colour with a very soft and subtle clothing for the jhula. It is ideal for 0-12 Months baby. However, this brand provides 1 more design option. These are basically for parents who are too afraid to make their kids lie down in traditional hanging kind of jhulas. Here are they:

This one comes in 3 different colours: Pink, Orange & green.
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Option 6: Comfortable & sturdy baby jhoola

Sleek, Elegant and stylish that’s what u can say about this product. It fits right in your room and make it a cozy corner for your baby. Safety with looks is the key of this product. See the product description on Amazon website to know more about this newborn baby jhula price.

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Option 7: Lightweight Cute design jhoola with Mosquito Net

Smart, sturdy and durable product. Very good review from the customers who have used it. This product is marked as most reviewed and best selling product online. Baby jhula price is too user friendly and affordable.

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Option 8: All Wheel Lock Baby Bassinet with Mosquito Protection Net

Are you setting up your baby room ? And been looking for a baby furniture that would suit your décor ? This is the best piece of baby furniture or jhula that would enhance the look of your baby room. It is perfect for your child between the age of 0-8 months. Beautiful design, lovely colour, along with extra storage space makes this cradle a must have in the baby’s must have product list. It comes with all wheel lock feature that keeps your child in safe hands.

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Other top options to choose from:

Baby electrical cradle

Various brands bring to you a range of automatically swinging sets of cradles with soothing music and revolving toys that will surely make you child calm and happy. Here are some options that are given good rating by customers:

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Rocking chair cum cradle

This jhula is packed with a whole lot of setting and adjustments. It act as a rocking chair, sings lullaby and even has the power to put your baby to a sound sleep. Here are some options to pick from:

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Folks, we could browse through quite a number of jhula options available online. Do check them out and choose the right one for your baby because remember ‘ a well slept baby is a happy peaceful baby’. One wouldn’t want to make a baby cranky and them deal with the consequences later. So pick the best baby jhula and let them enjoy their childhood in peace.

Happy parenting folks!!

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