7 Baby Advices For New Mom

Being a mother to a new baby is like having a magician’s hat, it’s always full of surprises. Sometimes, you might get so overwhelmed by these surprises that you might break down into tears or so happy that you would laugh your guts out. But no matter what this experiences are, they will only make you stronger, it’s like preparing the army for the ultimate challenge, parenting is also a challenging task. So here I have put together few baby advices for new moms that would help them with their parenting road.

Always remember your child is unique

Like the five fingers in our hand, every child has his own destiny, pace and limits to achieve it. You rushing him through things or panicking about the progress of your child isn’t going to help him grow. My baby advice for new moms is that

  • Give your baby time
  • Understand his needs
  • As a parent all you can do is be a support to whatever the child is going through
  • If he has started mumbling words read to him daily or speak constantly this will definitely help him
  • If he is learning to roll, make space for him so he can learn things by himself
  • Be there to motivate the baby.  
  • Never ever compare your baby to others. They are all meant to be unique. 

Always remember your child is your will get there eventually.

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Always be prepared for the odds

Never forget that taking care of a baby is full of adventure, from day one everyday would be completely different. So my baby advice for the new moms is to be prepared for every odd day possible. The baby might sleep off at 10 pm some day or sometime he might want to be up all night, so prepare your mind accordingly, don’t get frustrated. It happens with every mom and every parent, you’re not the only one going through it, so cheer yourself.

Be a part of a group

Sometimes mother’s might find themselves desserted and lost. Not knowing what to do in certain situations is very common for every new mother. Things come with ease only from experience, may it be breastfeeding or giving your baby a bath. So my baby advice for you new moms is to be a part of some group of moms where you can share your problems with ease. Choose such a group where there is no harsh talks just a group of friendly moms helping each other in the time of need.

Be prepared for sick days

As much as we all want to be a perfect mother, sometimes things don’t work out. No matter how many precautions we take for the health of our baby sometimes they might fall sick. They might catch cold or even minimal fever is common, but always remember baby’s are not as fragile as we think they are. After three months of age their body immunity is well developed to tackle small illnesses. So do not panic just consult your doctor for it. Don’t rely on self treatment, or experiment. Most important baby advice to new moms is be prepared for such days, ask your doctor about common cold and fever, and what ideally should be done for such days.

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Never thrust children with unnecessary expectations

As I have mentioned earlier too, every child is a unique art created by God. They might be fair or dusky, short or tall, chubby or lean. Just adore them however they are. Don’t try different methods or experiment to make them fairer or taller or chubbier. The take on this point is , as long as your baby is healthy hearty and happy do not try to thrust your expectations on them. You might hear from people around, why is the baby bit dark, please try so and so method to improve it. My baby advice to you new moms out there is just tell those people to back off, support your baby and tell them it might be their opinion but it’s your baby.

Don’t be over protective

It’s our motherly instinct to keep our baby away from all the harm. But sometimes we become paranoid about things that might not even happen. I speak with my experience, I was so paranoid about putting my baby on the swing that even the thought of it would give me shivers, until one day my friends actually proved me wrong. She put my baby on the swing, and the smile that my baby gave was one in a million and I forgot everything about my fears. So just take risks sometimes, not with crucial things like vaccination, but with little things like playing in park, or having a play date with other kids.

Let the baby have binding time

Babies always love to be with their mother from birth. They can feel their mother heart beat, it helps them calm down. But slowly and steady let the other members of the family bond too. Baby advice for new mom is that allow alone time for the baby to be with the father, grand parents etc. It will help the baby learn she would be taken care of even when you are not around. When she finds out loving people around other than you it would help her be cheerful in your absence.

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One to two million may be,

Reason to worry and panic baby,

But mama will take care come what may,

Will keep all the harm at bay!!!!

Consider reading: All You Need To Know About Boppy Side Sleeper Pregnancy Pillow


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