5 New Kitty Party Games Substituting Tambola These Days

Games are the best part of many get together, may it be freshers party or farewell party or even kitty party. Tambola has been an all time favourite game. Today, I am going to list a few innovative and creative kitty party games that you may give a try.

The Game Of Brands

All you require for this game is pieces of paper and pens. Once the buzzer rings the host has to announce, brands of make up, clothing or anything that comes to one’s mind. The timer starts for 30 secs. The person with the highest names on their list wins. Example: brands of clothing – Levi’s, biba, hrx, reymond etc.

The game of brands


This is not a very new game, but it has been modified and played since ages and it’s a different type of fun. It is also a very favourite kitty party game. All you need is a white board, markers and duster. Make chits of everyday things or well known guessable stuff and put in the bowl. Example- cricket, tv, sofa anything that the contestants can easily draw. Make two teams, the team with highest guess wins.


Game of series

Now is the trend of watching series on Netflix, Amazon prime and many more. Traditional many woman would even stick to watching the daily soap on tv. Whatever ones interest may be they get well involved in the them. So the game goes, form two teams. Team A gives a name of series to team B player the player then comes up with the famous quotes used in the series. Team A has to guess the name. The team with most guess wins.

Read:  No More Kitty Party Games, It's Time For Booze & Dancing - What Women Want!

Example – FRIENDS “ Joey doesn’t share food”. This is one the interesting kitty party games.



Hand in bag

Collect the handbags of the ladies, don’t open the bag. Randomly hand over the bags to the contestants. Start the timer to ten seconds. Instruct the contestants to only put their hand in touch the things inside the bag and guess what it could be without taking it out. The person with the highest guess wins.

Hand bag games

Picture courtesy: http://ladieskitty.net/handbag-tambola-game/

One word story

We all mommies are very much experts in telling stories. So why not out this talent of ours in playing a game. It could turn out to be one of the most successful kitty party games. So the game goes, make chits of single words like pink and a scenario chit which could say anything like ‘in a jungle’. So I have picked up two chits one which says pink and another which says in the jungle. The contestants need to tell the group a story with the information on the two chits. The most innovative and interesting story wins. You could keep a judge to decide or you could take group votes.

Kitty party

I hope these lists of games will make your kitty party a grand success and your guests will remember your party for days.


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