Simple Shlokas For Kids In English With Their Meaning & Benefits!

Looking for Shlokas For Kids? You’ve landed to the right page. If you belong to India, possibility is high that you are aware about the importance of Shlokas For Kids but if not, then let’s first discuss what Shlokas are and how are they beneficial for your kids.

What Is A Shloka?

Shlokas and Mantras are words which are used interchangeably; both of them hold a cultural importance and are used to spread educative and cultural knowledge among people since before times. They also hold and auspicious nature and are chanted before the Gods to achieve the desired gain of the shloka.

What Are The Benefits Of Shlokas For Kids?

Shlokas for kids include the ones which help in their growth, or improve concentration in their studies and many more. The chanting of these shlokas causes release of endorphins in the body which is an important metabolic booster and pain reliever in the body. The positive waves created by chanting a shloka has been seen to lower blood pressure and improve memory and other brain activities.

What Importance Does Reciting Shlokas Hold In Our Lives?

During the early times temples were build in such a way that the shlokas or mantras that were being chanted in one corner of the temple would reach the other end, the shlokas hold such a large amount of positive energy and radiation which would spread all over the temple. Thus, we feel the peace and serenity as we enter the temple, the structure like gopuram in the south Indian temple are all meant to capture this positive energy. This is the importance of shlokas for kids as well as for adults.

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Shlokas For Kids

How Did Shloka Come Into Existence?

Once when valmiki was sitting under a tree he saw two birds singinf to each other, a hunter passing by shot the male bird and the bird started singing in sorrow( shoka), that’s when he was reminded of the time that sita would have spent in sorrow remembering shri rama. Thus valmiki started writing the Ramayana in the form of shloka or song or peotic form thus valmiki is called Adivaki the first poet. Shloka is actually poetic version used in the ancient Sanskrit language.

Why Should Kids Learn Shlokas Early In Their Lives?

In today’s times of pandemic and competition most of our younger population suffer from anxiety and restlessness due to  varied pressure on them like education,even showcasing their talent on the television has become a trend and resulting in even more stress. This has led to kids, persuing a tiresome life at a very tender age.

• Research has proved that, regular chanting of Shlokas will cause miraculous changes in the young mind and heart, which will help them focus on studies.

• It also helps them  like an aid to keep their mind cool and let go of all the frustration.

• Even the mere chanting and  recitation of Sanskrit shlokas will absolutely help improve their pronunciation and language skills, make them more self-confident and create more positive energy.

• Importantly Shloka for kids helps them to remain connected with their cultural roots while being the part of the new era.

Which Shloka For Kid Can Be Taught First?

#1. According to Hindu belief system and religion an auspicious occasion or celebration is always began with a salutation to lord Ganesha, so here is a simple shloka for it,

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|| Gaja-[A]ananam Bhuuta-Ganna-[A]adi Sevitam
Kapittha Jambuu-Phala-Saara Bhakssitam
Umaa-Sutam Shoka Vinaasha-Kaarannam
Namaami Vighne[a-I]shvara Paada-Pangkajam ||

Meaning of above Shloka: I bow down before the lord shri Ganesh who has an elephant face and he is the one who is being served by the holy celestial followers and loved by all his divine attendants. He who eats the core of Kapittha or Apple and Jambu that is rose apple, he is the one who is the son of Devi Parvati and is the destroyer of all the sorrows and sadness in the world, I bow before the lotus feet of the holy Gajananam the god who removes all the lively obstacles.

#2. Remembering lord Saraswathi before we begin to learn a new task or start with our studies is the most auspicious thing to do as she being the lord of knowledge will bestow her blessings upon us.

|| Sarasvatī namastubhyaṃ
varade kāmarūpiṇī
vidyārambhaṃ kariṣyāmi
siddhirbhavatu me sadā ||

Meaning of above Shloka: O the holy one goddess Sarawathi, the one who is giver of boons and well wishes, you are the one who fulfils every thought and desire, I pray to thee before I sit for my studies, may I obtain success and accomplishment of my goals.

#3. Praising our parents is a rarity for us, but if we learn a shloka is Sanskrit with their praise and wishing them well it would definitely make them proud. The mother who is the soul of a household does everything and anything for her children let’s remember her in our prayers always.

|| Aapadamapantinam hito’payayati hetuam …. Matrjanghahi vatsyaya stambhibhavati vandane ||

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Meaning of above Shloka: When a calamity and destruction befalls even the well-wishers and good doers become a reason for them, it is only the mother who’s leg act as a pillar to tie the calf, glory to her and prosperity to her mind.

#4. The father is the one who is the acting foundation and strength in our life lets remember his praises in our prayers and let the god bestow his wishes and blessing on him.

|| Janakascopanera ca yasna vidyam prayachhati…..Annadata bhayatrata pascita pitarah smitah ||

Meaning of above Shloka: The one who is a giver of birth, the one who initiates, the one who imparts knowledge, he is the one who gives food and feeds us, the one who protects us from all the fears is called the father.

Which Are Shlokas Dedicated Towards Gurus?

Lastly, we must never forget the Guru who is a part of all the knowledge gaining that we do we can never neglect their struggle and sacrifices to make us into a kid hearted and learned human being.

  • Gurura brahma gurura Vishnu
  • Gurura devo maheshwara
  • Gurura sakshat parabrahma
  • Tasmay shri guruve namaha

The world is created by that guru (Brahma-the force of creation); the span of our life is that guru (Vishnu-the force of preservation); our tests, toils, sickness, destruction and the dismisal of the body is that guru (devo Maheshwara-the force of destruction or transformation). There is a guru within (Guru Sakshat) and a guru that is a far away (param Brahma). I make my offering (tasmai) to the beautiful (shri) remover of my darkness, my ignorance; (Guru) it is to you I bow and lay down my life (namah).

Folks I hope this piece of literature throws some light on the importance of shloka for kids and you would definitely want to impart a piece of our culture in their minds.

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