Summers can be tough on any one of us let alone the fact that it can be a bit even more harsher on the infants skin. The sweats and the itching can land us in the hospital quite a number of times as they would affect the baby in far worse way than it would do to us. Even we keep our babies indoor away from the sun but one cannot run away from the climate change and it’s variation seen in every corner of the house. We have to keep our houses constantly ventilated with fans, coolers or ACs which makes the baby skin even more drier. What exactly is the need of the baby’s skin during summer? Are there any tips to be followed during summers? How to protect baby’s skin in summer?
What exactly are the needs of the baby’s skin during summer?
Summer means heated climates which ultimately results in heated houses. The adults and the babies tend to sweat profusely in such circumstances which would lead to rashes namely diaper rash, irritation from clothing, prickly heat, even rashes anywhere because of the sweat. Now the main problem here is the babies wouldn’t be able to communicate with us the reason for their discomfort and unless we strip them we wouldn’t find the rashes that are troubling them. The basic target hear is to protect the babies from excessive sweats and keep their body cool. So following are certain tips to be followed which would help to keep the baby cool and calm as well as protect the baby’s skin.
How to protect baby’s skin in the summer?
#1. Give them cooling soothing baths
Baths are a way to bind with our infant and they love bath time very much. Bathing them will keep their skin clean also their body cool to avoid the harmful effects of the sun. We know the summers in tropical country of ours, India experiences a very high summer temperatures all over the country. So when it came to coping with the summers I used to give my baby a bath in the morning as well as give her a sponge bath during the evening which would keep her fresh. And also allow her to have a good night sleep.

#2. Always keep baby skin lotions handy
As soon as the winters are over we might tend to think that the baby’s skin won’t be tough now. But dehydration during the summer also tend to make the baby’s skin rough. So always apply lotion after the baby’s bath it would keep their skin subtle and free of rashes.
#3. Carry a sunscreen along
The American society of Paediatrician have now allowed application of sunscreen for babies as small as six months old. So whenever you plan to take your baby out in the sun do not forget to put on the sunscreen for them.
#4. Use light airy and breezy cloths
It’s now time to pack all the sweatshirts and sweaters in the cup board as now is the time to wear the tank tops and shorts. Choose airy clothes made of cotton for your baby. This would help to prevent the rashes at quite high levels. With light clothes on there would less amount of sweating and the child would be comfortable too.
#5. Always keep your baby hydrated
Water plays an important role in the freshness and subtlety of the skin. If your baby is big enough to carry a sip cup around make sure it’s always full. If they are tiny tots then you might have to keep a clock and feed them water.
#6. Be very vigilant
Always check for rashes in the skin folds. Healthy babies tend to sweat much in these skin folds and might lead to rashes. Also keep changing the diapers every three to four hours and be careful about the diaper rashes.

#7. Keep a prickly heat powder or dusting powder handy
After every diaper change apply dusting powder on the skin folds near the groin and thigh area. These regions tend to sweat a lot. Also, keep dusting the back of the neck, and the armpits. Rashes can occur in these areas too.
#8. Keep coconut oil close
The quick and easiest method to relieve a crying baby from the agony of rashes or increased heat in their body is by application of coconut oil. It trusted by mom’s everywhere and they even recommend it to many moms. Apply coconut oil to the part with rashes and also in the palm and naval area. The baby would feel much better after this.
#9. Aloe vera gel helps too
If the rashes are very bad and the diaper rash cream isn’t working one can also try using Aloe vera gel which is freshly squeezed and not full chemicals. But if you feel the rashes are quite a wide spread you might want to consult your doctor first before taking any steps ahead.
So folks I know summers can be a bit tougher and they pose a lot of challenge to us as parents. But the key here is to remain calm and try and understand the ques that your little one gives. Many times their bodies give them signals which they try to convey to us but in the state of panic we might miss it. Sometimes the problem can be solved just with a glass of water. I know as a parent you would relate to that. So try to follow the tips that have been given above and protect your baby’s skin during summer. If you have any more tips that you follow during summers please do share with us. Our lovely mummies and daddies would love to try them out. Besides we all are in this journey together. The more the hands that work together will get the job done well. So please do share any additional tips that you have to protect the baby’s skin during summers, comment on our Facebook page.