Get These New Born Baby Dresses For Your Little One

New born babies are all about being cute and snuggly. No matter whatever they wear or put in they are always so adorable. If you just wrap them up in a swaddle cloth they still look so mesmerising. Today, I am going to list a few new born baby dresses that a new born’s wardrobe must have.

Summer specials – Jabla with short pants

New born baby clothes for summer involves a lot of cool stuff starting from Jabla and hats. The thing to be remembered though if your baby is very much young you must always cover the head and feet, use cotton socks and hat for this though. Also, we must see that baby is not to hot to feel uncomfortable. Babies which a bit older say four to five months can wear sleeve less frocks, t-shirt and shorts, Jabla with short pants. All of these stuff comes with colourful designs and stylish combos. These are available on most online shops like Amazon and Flipkart. New born baby clothes for summer born must all be cotton material.

Winter goodies – Cute mittens winter warmers, sweatshirt, sweaters

New born baby clothes for winter has a whole lot to put out. Starting from cute mittens to cool socks, winter warmers, sweatshirt, sweaters and it goes on. Trust me my baby was born during the winter and I went crazy buying winter stuff for her. And before you know she grew out of it and they no longer fit her. So please focus only on clothes that are required essentially for her. Caps, mittens, socks are good only till the baby is three to four months after which they baby is equipped and skilled enough to take those off and you would spend your day fetching them all day long all over your place. But yes woollen and cotton both have a good set of collection. Always opt for a warmer, t- shirt and pant style, it’s very comfortable for the baby.

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Rainy specials

New born baby clothes for rainy season is always a combination of winter and summer wear, when it’s cold and too rainy outside put in some winter clothes or if it’s hot out throw in some summer wear.

All time favourites

My new born baby was always comfortable in rompers and onesies, they are very user friendly as in it is very easy to put those on to your kids. It has separate buttons to be opened and check on for the diapers and get them changed no need to remove the whole clothing. Plus it covers the whole body of the baby no need of extra clothing. And additional they look extremely adorable and gorgeous in them. First cry has a good collection of them, please do check. And they are not gender specific so can be worn by both girl and boy baby alike.

Apart from these –

New born clothes should also posses sets of swaddle clothes which is of soft material and skin friendly. New born babies spend almost whole time in swaddle because it depicts the mother womb and gives them sense of protection and care. They sleep off very good in a swaddle.

Hope this list helps you with your selections.


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