Tips That’ll Help You Deal With New Mom Anxiety

Being anxious is one of the protective mechanism of nature to prevent us from taking hasty decisions. Whenever there are bigger decisions to be taken, we get nervous or worried. But it’s okay to be not okay at this phase of your life. Your body has gone through a lot or stress and trouble, so has your mind. The hormone surges and the breastfeeding for the first time all these takes a toll on your mind and body. So here I am going to talk about some stress busters that usually help in dealing with new mom anxiety.

First off embrace your situation

You have accomplished an everest of a task, giving birth and going through pregnancy is not a piece of cake for everyone. So give yourself some credit for that, and after all that feeling frustrated about list of things that still remain to be done like midnight feeds, diaper change, babies cries etc is quite a normal thing, all most half of the mothers go through it, including me. So the best way to get out of it is to embrace the situation and talk about it to someone, a person who has been with you through all this. It can be your mother, or your husband or any person you feel comfortable talking to.

New Mom Anxiety

Indulge yourself in self care

After the birth of the little one the packed up schedule of your daily deeds gives you very less time for yourself, but as important taking care of your baby is so is taking care of oneself. Early morning yoga or a brisk walk helps a lot. It gets rid of all the negative feeling and energy and you can always feel the positive vibes within yourself. Always keep yourself warm till the baby turns 5 months, helpful for your immunity and your baby’s too. Consume healthy food, fruits, salad helps you with the milk production and helps you get rid of your post pregnancy weight. The skin might have become dull post delivery it’s time you took care of it to, nothing that lemon juice can’t fix, you can consume it for fat loss and apply on your face for pigmentations.

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Create memories with your new partner aka your little munchkin

Nothing works better than losing your self in the baby world, it’s the best stress buster ever. Put your imagination to work and develop your own baby photo shoots. It will help build a memory stack plus you and your baby would enjoy yourself a lot. All babies are photogenic and all of them have the cuteness gene in born in them. Go ahead pica-so yourself up.

Join a group

There are hundreds of mother’s out there who are new to parenting, so never feel that you are alone in it. Share your problems in that front and also keep yourself updated. In today’s social world communities are huge and helpful. But do remember not to post pictures of your babies naked which can be quite dangerous, other that the world is yoir canvas.

Believe it’s all be fine soon

Remember it’s just a phase and it will pass, so will your kids childhood, so never miss a moment of it. Being stressed, just take a time out, take a deep breath, tell your self you are a confident and independent mother and you can deal with. Come back to the baby circle and in your baby’s world where you mean the world to your baby. He sees the world with your eyes, so make the impression.

Tiny baby cutie baby,

Mama is always here,

Chubby baby naughty,

You never have to fear.

I may be emotional,

And I may want to cry,

But that is how much your mama loves you,

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Never ever you cry oh my!!!

Get this book to know more: Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts: A Healing Guide to the Secret Fears of New Mothers by Author, Karen Kleiman 

Also read: 5 Tips For New Parents To Take Their Stress Away

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