Boobs Leaking During Pregnancy – Causes, Symptoms & How To Deal?

Pregnancy brings huge lot of changes in a woman’s body. You undergo various hormonal changes, which can lead to various issues like nausea, body pains, increase in weight and overactive bladder etc. Boobs leaking during pregnancy are one among them. Discharge or leaking of golden coloured fluid from your breasts commonly known as colostrum is very common during pregnancy. However, there’s a lot more to this common issue that you would deal during your pregnancy. It is important that you handle breasts leaking during pregnancy with care. Let’s help you find answers to all your questions.

Table Of Content

  • What is colostrum?
  • When does breasts leaking during pregnancy begin?
  • Do I need to be worried about boob leaking?
  • What are the reasons for boobs leaking during pregnancy?
  • How to notice breast leaking during pregnancy?
  • What are the common causes for boobs leaking during pregnancy?
  • Can I stop boob leakage myself?
  • How to survive boob leakage during pregnancy?
  • Is it safe to press breast during pregnancy?
  • When does milk start leaking during pregnancy?
  • When do you start leaking colostrum?
  • Is breasts leaking during pregnancy the only sign of milk production?
  • How much amount of colostrum during pregnancy leak?
  • What if my breasts don’t leak during pregnancy?
  • When do you need a doctor?

What is colostrum?

Colostrum is yellow sticky liquid that develops inside a woman’s breast. This is also regarded as pre-milk as the original breast milk develops 3-4 days post delivery in new mom. Until this, this colostrum is sufficient enough to feed your newborn. The production of colostrum is more than required therefore the boobs leaking during pregnancy. Leaking colostrum is a sign that your body is on the roll. It is now producing the milk that your child would be consuming during the first few months. Many women get worried about the leaking colostrum during pregnancy but you need not to. This is a normal way a pregnant body works.

When does breasts leaking during pregnancy begin?

Typically, when you are 3rd trimester into pregnancy is when you’ll start facing the boob-leaking problem in most cases. The production of this liquid begins in the first month itself but it is ready to come out later only. It is this time when you start feeling heaviness in your breast. It feels like your boobs have gained some extra kilos and you can feel their weight in comparison to other parts of your body. Many women have reported the leaking before and after the 3rd trimester too and some have reported that they never faced leaking colostrum issue at all through out their pregnancy. The issue varies from person to person. However, colostrum during pregnancy is pretty common.

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Do I need to be worried about boob leaking?

Boob leaking is normal during pregnancy. It’s a sign that your body is preparing itself for the baby. You don’t need to worry if you boob start leaking as early as 2nd trimester too. However, in maximum cases 3rd trimester is when you face this the most.

What are the reasons for boobs leaking during pregnancy?

  1. The hormone named prolactin that is responsible for production of milk after your baby is born begins its movement as soon as you are pregnant. Its actual movement happens during the 3rd trimester which is why in majority of cases, boob leaking happens during the same period. It’s due to this and other various hormones, which are kind of dancing inside your body during pregnancy that lead to milk production. The entire process must happen at the right time.
  2. This is a completely normal state to experience. Every pregnant woman goes through this stage. Milk production is low during pregnancy because of the levels of progesterone and estrogen that are other essential hormones that play vital role. If the level of prolactin increases that of progesterone and estrogen, it leads to leaking colostrum.
  3. Boobs leaking during pregnancy also result if your nipples happen to rub even within your bra. This can happen during exercising or even during sex. Excessive rubbing of nipples is considered to be a prime reason behind leaking colostrum. Ideally it is recommended that you do whatever you can to make sure your nipples don’t rub. This rubbing can not just lead to the leakage, it can be hurtful too. This boob leaking can cause pain in your breasts if rubbed harder. Therefore it is advisable to take necessary precautions. We have listed down some suggestions below to deal with the problem too.

How to notice breast leaking during pregnancy?

Only way to notice breast leaking during pregnancy is to check if your bra has stains in orange or yellow colour. The colour signifies the development of colostrum. Try squeezing if you don’t notice anything. Even if you don’t witness anything all throughout, it’s still normal. Milk production will start naturally when your baby is ready for the feed.

What are the common causes for boobs leaking during pregnancy?

Pregnancy: Nipple discharge during pregnancy is very common. It is a signal that your body has started to produce milk for your baby.

End of breastfeeding process: Nipple discharge is also common when you stop breastfeeding. Little drop of milk can be seen at later stages too.

Excessive movement: While you are giving more friction to your boob area, it’s likely that you will experience nipple discharge issue. Jogging and heavy lifting can be common reasons.

Can I stop boob leakage myself?

Absolutely not! Since it’s your body’s natural tendency to produce colostrum, this is not in your hands to stop this leakage. However, one of the ways to reduce the flow is by providing evenly spread direct pressure on your breast can help. When you are not in public, try crossing your one arm towards another covering your chest area. There are other solutions to surviving this problem too. Here it is:

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Solution To Handle Breasts Leaking During Pregnancy

How to survive boob leakage during pregnancy?

One of the best ways of surviving this situation is by wearing nursing pads.

1. Wear Nursing Pads

The best way to survive this situation is wear nursing pads. Huge variety of nursing pads is available in the market nowadays. Various range of brands are offering quality products to keep you safe. Good quality nursing pads come with good suction power that absorbs the liquid instantly and keeps your boob area dry for a long time.

Wearing nursing pads is a good way to handle boobs leaking during pregnancy especially when you are in public. They save you from the embarrassment of milk spilling from the breasts. The wetness in front of your body can be visibly as well as mentally annoying. It causes irritation inside your body which can be frustrating. So wearing the nursing pads is your best solution.

Types of nursing pads

Nursing pads come in 5 different varieties. They are segregated as per the material used, their usage and comfort of use:

  • Disposable nursing pads – The use and throw types that you can carry anywhere you want.
  • Reusable nursing pads – These are made with washable fabrics and you can use them again.
  • Silicon nursing pads – The material used in silicon ones is what you get in silicon bra’s. If you’ve used a silicon bra ever, you’ll under the quality.
  • Hydrogel nursing pads – These pads bring instant cooling and soothing effect on your nipples. They heal your skin, in case it gets damaged.
  • Homemade nursing pads – Some women use cotton or used fabric at home to make these nursing pads.

Best disposable nursing pads:

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2. Reduce heavily exerting your boobs

If you are advised to stay in movement, then make sure you do not put pressure on your boobs during your exercises. Walking is normal. Normal walking doesn’t bring any harm. Only rigorous rubbing of breasts can create problem so be gentle on yourself.

3. Pick a sports bra

Sports bra is also a good solution to handling your problem of breasts leaking during pregnancy. You can wear ii even while sleeping. This will help you reduce the excessive boobs leaking during pregnancy.

Other FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions

We tried to cover maximum possible questions you might be having about breasts leaking during pregnancy, however, we can across some more for which answers are mentioned below. Take a look:

Is it safe to press breast during pregnancy?

If leaking colostrum is creating irritation that you cannot bear, it is okay to drop some drops out by softly squeezing your nipple area. Basically you need to press the areola which is the dark coloured area surrounding your nipples. Squeezing that area will help you squeeze out the excessive milk that is already willing to come out. The actual milking period begins way later when your baby is born and is in need for the feed. That is when the actual milk production begins.

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When does milk start leaking during pregnancy?

As soon as you enter your 3rd trimester, it’s time your milk starts leaking. But this is not definite. Sometimes or in some cases, it can begin before the 3rd trimester. And some women don’t face the situation at all. Yes, it is correct. If you don’t face leaking colostrum during pregnancy, it is completely safe and normal. You don’t need to worry at all. Everything differs from person to person.

When do you start leaking colostrum?

Colostrum during pregnancy is basically the first milk in your breast when you get pregnant. The process begins as soon as you enter your 16th month. It might not leak at this time though. Most women have reported the breasts leaking during pregnancy during their 28 weeks of pregnancy which the end of 2nd trimester or beginning of the 3rd trimester.

Is breasts leaking during pregnancy the only sign of milk production?

Absolutely not. Leaking colostrum does not indicate that your body is producing milk. Your breasts might or might not leak. There is not significant proof that milk is not developing if it’s not leaking. So don’t worry if your boobs leaking doesn’t happen at all.

How much amount of colostrum during pregnancy leak?

There is no specific amount to it. It varies from woman to woman. In some cases it doesn’t begin at all while in some cases you might see few drops spilling. And in some other cases, boobs leaking can go up to a full teaspoon or even more. Therefore, there is not definite way of measuring or judging the amount of colostrum leak during pregnancy.

What if my breasts don’t leak during pregnancy?

It’s totally alright. Not facing any leak all throughout your pregnancy is also considered as healthy as the leak itself. Some breasts leak and some don’t. Leaking colostrum doesn’t always prove that your body has a good capacity to breastfeed or it’s ready. Just keep in mind that your body is ready from inside. If you’ve head a normal 9 months, your body is ready, whether it leaks or not. The milk might just come out only when your baby arrives. Don’t worry at all. Anyways handing breast leakage can be pretty irritating too. So consider yourself lucky if you are left aside of the embarrassment.

Is it normal to leak breast milk at 28 weeks pregnant?

Yes, some women face colostrum leak during the early stages of pregnancy and it’s pretty normal. Do not worry if your breasts start leaking in 28 weeks. This is no indication to judge if your breasts will produce enough milk post delivery.

When do you need a doctor?

As we have discussed above that nipple discharge during pregnancy is normal but there could be a situation when you notice blood coming out of your boobs. It’s a signal that you immediately need to see to your doctor.

This is everything you need to know on breasts leaking during pregnancy. But I believe a woman has a lot more questions when it comes to colostrum during pregnancy, especially leaking colostrum. It usually becomes a worrisome period for women and gets difficult to handle. If it begins to leak normally, it’s nothing to worry but if the leaking continues for a long time, it is better to get in touch with your doctor. She will be your best guide to handle the situation if it gets out of control.


Breasts leaking during pregnancy is pretty normal. There is nothing to worry if your boobs leaking begins during the 2nd trimester too. However if it’s the beginning of the 3rd trimester, it’s considered completely normal. And it doesn’t it really matter if it doesn’t leak at all. In many cases, it might happen and your baby will still be able to get their share of milk. The leaking doesn’t always indicate that the milk production is happening, nor does it prove that your breasts will produce enough milk after delivery. Please don’t make judgements based on this leaking and create pressure on yourself. If you are pregnant, eat healthy, stay hydrated and cherish your journey. Do not bother yourself with unnecessary stress. Relax and get ready to hold your beautiful child in your arms and take care of them when they arrive.

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