A Perfect Gift For Wife After Giving Birth

When it comes to gifts, women have a whole lot of choices and options going on their heads but men on the other hand find themselves in a fix. I don’t mean to say men don’t have choices but sometimes it makes it difficult for them to fixate their mind on one particular things. So, today I am going to discuss a few gift ideas to help you find the perfect gift for wife after giving birth. This list is made keeping in mind the needs of your wife and the current situation she might be in.

Also read: 15 Most Stylish Baby Shower Dresses

Give her a romantic date or a beach holiday

Now that you wife has also gained the stature of being the mother of your child you shouldn’t neglect the fact that she is also your wife. The perfect gift for your wife after giving birth would be reviving the old times that you might have had together, it may be a candle light dinner, a romantic walk on the beach or anything that you two loved to do as a couple. This will help her to leave of some steam and relax for a while. And also she would love to know that your love for her now has increased to a thousand times more. Involve your family in this, let them help yoi with you baby for a few hours, so that you can plan your romantic day or night.

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Beautiful piece of jewellery

Just seeing her baby smile would bring out the spark in your wife, but the other thing that would also lead to it is a surprise present from her husband. So the perfect gift for your wife after giving birth could be even a single card that says how much you love and and would be always there with her through this new journey of life. It can also be a piece of jewellery which your wife always wanted to have, this would remind her that you still know what she wants and that you have got her back in every situation.

Picture collage of her 9 month’s journey – the new member’s entry in the family tree

Another perfect gift for your wife after giving birth would be something that would just engrave the moment of birthing in her mind. You could take efforts and pile up all the photos of yours and hers during the journey of nine months, and make it into a scrap book which ends with the last photo of you three as a family. Or it could be a plaster of paris cast statue of mama baby and papa holding hands (Below are few references, click to view).


The kit for this art is available online on Amazon, or you could just get it done from an art studio. Also, in this list comes baby foot and hand print framed in a huge frame and gifted to your wife.

All these memories will go a long way with her.

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Design her a new mama wardrobe

Now that the baby is here your wife must be free of the problems she faced during pregnancy, but her problems are not over yet. Her body had gone through a lot of changes, so help her embrace the changes with grace. Design her a new mama wardrobe, this will give her the confidence to carry herself in the society and wear the changes of her pregnancy with pride. And when she know you went through all the selection process regarding her dresses and the wardrobe, she will feel even more confident about herself and her body.

Click to view them on Amazon

Welcome her back with a aww factor

A pleasant room and the ambience of it always lifts ones mood up. Decorate your baby’s room, go full throttle on it. Go crazy with the colours and the textures, baby pictures and the cute little cribs, the small little wardrobe anything cute than you think of. This would be a perfect gift for your wife after giving birth. Nothing can make her more happy than your initiative.

Your wife has given you a gift of your life,

Treasure this moment and keep it in your heart very tight

This is best gift to your wife you could give,

Give them double the love u receive.!!!

Also read: 15 Most Stylish Baby Shower Dresses

Pregnancy announcement tshirts


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