Don’t know what to get on the 1st birthday gift ideas for niece? It surely is a difficult task to decide what to buy for them. First of all, let me take a chance to congratulate you on this big news, I know you must be overwhelmed with emotions as this happiness is too huge to confine inside. Wether it’s your sister’s or brother’s child, I know that you want your gift to be her favourite of anything she’ll get on her 1st birthday and why do I know this? Because I too have gone through this same feeling recently and only after struggling hard to choose the right gift, I decided to prepare this list so others can know what perfect 1st birthday gift ideas for niece:
Some of the typical options that’ll you look for are Baby clothes, Baby toys, Tethers etc but these aren’t going to be the best options as they don’t have a long life. Another reason is that many other relatives visiting this new born would gift these typical gifts. How come your gift can be similar to theirs and anyways, you obviously would want this gift to stay with your niece for the longest time possible. So understanding this need of yours, here’s my suggested list of 1st birthday gift ideas for niece.
Best 1st Birthday Gift Ideas For Niece
Here’s my list of recommendation to make your dear little niece happy by giving her the best present on her birthday:
Option 1: Baby Walker
Newly Designed Baby walkers
Unlike typical baby walkers that used to exist earlier, these newly designed baby walkers by best brands like Baybee, Luvlap, MeeMee & Fisherprice are stylish in look and great in quality. A baby walker is the best 1st birthday gift ideas for niece. She’s going to need it for learning her first steps which means your wishes will stay with her as she grows.
#1. Chicco baby walker
Chicco baby walker is among the top options available in India. Chicco provides the most sturdiest baby products as it never compromises on the quality of the material used. Therefore if you’ll Chicco baby walker, it means your baby is in safe hands.

#2. Baby step activity walker by Chicco
Another great option is this Chicco step walker. It’s a great option to make the child learn to walk.

#3. Mee Mee baby walker
Mee Mee is another great brand for baby products. Therefore Mee Mee baby walker is also a good option. It’s rated 4.1 out of 5 by experienced parents who have used it in past. Go for Mee Mee baby walker for your niece’s birthday gift.

#4. R for Rabbit baby walker
R for Rabbit baby walker is given 4.3 rating out of 5 by experienced parents. This baby walker is adjustable and comes with a musical system integrated within it. Even R for Rabbit baby walker is a great 1st birthday gift for niece or nephew.

Option 2: Baby Feeding chair
Baby feeding chair is an amazing 1st birthday gift for anyone. After breastfeeding period passes away, the baby needs to learn the normal feeding way. And after they cross the age of 1 only is the perfect time for it. So pick a good feeding chair for your niece’s birthday. I’ve listed some recommendations here too:
#1. Luvlap baby feeding chair

#2. BAYBEE feeding chair

Option 3: Kids caravan
Another amazing 1st birthday gift ideas for niece would be to gift them a kids caravan. Kids caravans come pre loaded with rhymes, stories, mantras and kids related songs that you can just put near them and play. They are a great way to make them learn different things as sound of music captures their attention like nothing else. These kids caravans come in different varieties to pick from Here are some suggested common ones that you can choose from:

Option 4: Baby stroller
A baby stroller would go along with your niece more than anything else. It’s one of the most needed baby products. It comes in use once the child is around 1 year and is required by parents as well as kids till they start walking. You baby girl would stay comfortably in the stroller and would be able to go along with her parents wherever they go. I’ll always recommend you to go for a baby stroller for your niece.
#1. Hot mom baby stroller
Highly rated and rarely available in India is this imported baby stroller now available in India.

#2. Luvlap baby stroller

Option 5: Comfy baby seat
Unlike baby walkers that train kids to learn walking, comfy baby seat gives them the right posture to learn to sit only. These seats put the baby in a good position that they can easily play. But you have to be cautious finding a perfect baby seat for the child, as it appears that not all baby seats available are comfortable. A comfy baby seat is designed to hold a baby up 25lbs or 10-12kgs weight. They have little toys attached that keeps the baby engaged. Here’s one good option available in India:

Option 6: Baby play mat
Baby play mat is among the best 1st birthday gift ideas for niece. Baby play mats also come with cute little toys hanging above while the baby comfortably lies below. These play mats are amazing in terms of making the child learn basic hand movements with the help of attractive colours and the toys. Opt this for your niece, as these will really contribute to their development.

Option 7: Play tents with balls
Giving your niece a personal dedicated play area is also an amazing option. Colors and toys is all that kids need during this age. They learn while they play so giving them a tent is also a great birthday gift.

Option 8: Battery car
You might find this little out of the league but battery cars are no longer only boys thing. Even girls are fond of driving and if you want your niece to do the same, go for a battery car for her. It’s going to be a great birthday present for niece.

Option 9: Baby rocker
Baby rockers also known as baby bouncers come in huge variety, in terms of colours designs etc. Some of good baby rockers are embedded with music vibrations that are soothing for kids. These musical rockers are great in putting babies to sleep too. This is also one of the best 1st birthday gift ideas for niece.

Option 10: Potty training seat
Sure, they are going to learn how do potty on their own and there comes the need of potty training seat. Every parent and child needs a potty training seat so giving this on her 1st birthday would be a great gift. And if you are still not comfortable giving this and need more convincing, a potty training seat is a necessity so if you are not going to give this, they’ll have to anyways go and buy so why not give them as a present only since they need it.

Option 11: Baby cradle
A rare option but a great 1st birthday gift for niece is a baby cradle. A baby cradle helps the baby get enough room to sleep while giving the same to the parents. It’s a perfect gift as it comes in use till the baby is of 3-4 years of age. Give your niece a nice baby cradle so she can remember you forever.

Option 12: Baby toys
Baby toys are also a great 1st birthday present for niece however; I don’t find it apt, as your niece deserves a better gift from you. But if you still want to go then some great baby toys are nowadays available to pick from. You can always pick a good baby toy for the child. Listed below are few to pick from.

So, now you have the list of best 1st birthday gift ideas for niece and I hope this has helped you to pick the best gift.
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