How It Feels Being A First Time Mom

As a woman we might accomplish a lot of things, be an entrepreneur, be a soldier, a pilot, a role model for many, but the sheer joy of being a mother is completely different. For a first time mom, the feeling is a lot bigger than anything else, so much so that one can never put it into words. Everyone has their own kind of experience and they are all be cherished and adored.

Feeling Of Being First Time Mom

My journey of motherhood began as soon as I looked at the results on my home pregnancy test and I felt like I had won an Oscar award. And then when I broke this announcement to my husband and I couldn’t get over from the look at his joy filled face. 

First Kick Of Your Baby

Every step in your pregnancy is very overwhelming, the first time you feel your baby kick or move inside your belly, or you and your babies have little secret snack after which your baby would kick even harder. I still remember, my baby would always kick when I used to have piece of orange. And then comes the day when you meet your little miracle, and you have the feeling of being promoted from being just a woman to being a MOM. It is the highest kind of bliss trust me I have had that feeling.

Hop, skip and jump away

Once you get your little one home then begins the real battle, the night time feeds, nappy changes, sore nipples the whole deal. Some days you’re the little one will scream on top of their voices and you would literally sweat it out to find out what really happened there. You might have just put them to sleep and would feel that they are in deep sleep but just ten minutes later they will be up as if they never slept at all.  But these moments are all memorable one could just watch them sleep like little angels for hours together and suddenly they would smile in their sleep and you could even bet your life for it to happen again.

Read:  Creating A Smooth Ambiance During Pregnancy Trimesters

Being a mother for the first time is hard, you wouldn’t have a schedule of sleep or food or for that matter anything. You wouldn’t even find time to poop in peace, I know it’s quite intense but it’s the reality. Plus of you are alone without anyone to help you at home, there would be days when you feel like giving up, but you would take one look at your baby’s face and all that stress would just fly away. The first time she smiled, rolled, walked or talked would be all that in your memory. Within a blink of an eye your baby would be all grown up and independent, so always remember he might be keeping you up all night, but you have a whole lifetime to catch up on your sleep cycle and rest , but your baby would be baby only once.

My mother My Mentor

One more point I like to add is the amount of respect that has been added up towards my mother, starting from the labor to the child raising she did it all so well and never complained, all mom’s are super heroes indeed. So next time you see your mom or talk to her have a little extra gratitude and love towards her, because now being in her shoes you would know how much she has sacrificed for you.

Angels come down to see the world so beautiful

So very wonderful,

Mothers have created heaven for their children on earth

And they are the miracles from birth.

Read:  Side Effects & Benefits Of Castor Oil During Pregnancy & How It Induces Labour?

Being a mother is a blessing one gets,

And a child is God himself never forget!!!!

Also check out: 10 Most Trendy Affordable Maternity Clothes

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