Pigeon Breast Pump Review – Manual & Electric

Breast feeding is a very integral part of your child’s birth and development. If you have been a mother before you would definitely appreciate the bond that is created between the mother and the child during breastfeeding. If you are a first time mother there is no other feeling in the world that can match it.  Breast milk has been approved and proved time again to be the most nourishing and potential food that a new born can get. It helps with building of their immune system as well as development of all the systems in the body. Thus even if the mother is unable to breast feed at least availability of the breast milk for the baby is important. A breast pump is a boon to mothers who face such problems. Today, we are going to review one such product which is very popular among new mother’s, pigeon breast pump. The pigeon breast pump review will help you make the right choice and take a better decision. But first take a look at the needs of a new mother and why does she need to have a breast pump handy.

Why Pigeon Breast Pump?

Pigeon is one of the reliable companies that provides the customers with household products which are so handy and very easy to use along with reliability of the product. All its products comes with a long term warranty and thus the customer need not worry about anything while using the products. Also, pigeon provides a wide range of variety in breast pumps starting from basic manila designs to slim electric design also heavy output completely electrical designs too. Both manual as well as electric breast pumps by Pigeon have been rated between 4 or 4.5 out of 5 by experienced customers who have bought from Amazon.in. An ideal way of judging any product in today’s time is to pick a highly rated product so you end up buying only good products. Not caring about the rating often lead to faulty product experiences which you would obviously want to avoid.

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Who can use pigeon breast pump ?

  • Mothers who are new to breast feeding and are not able to get proper latch with the new born but want to provide the new one with breast milk.
  • Women who face lots of breast engorgement and heaviness due to heavy flow of milk which results to pain and discomfort.
  • Working mothers can easily store the breast milk to be warmed and used for their new born using the breast pump.
  • Mother who have issues with production of milk, breast pumping has been proved to increase  the level of the milk secretion and thus support the mother in breast feeding
  • If you are travelling out and haven’t found ways to breast feed your child but can carry a bottle with pumped out breast milk then that would be a comfortable journey.

Pigeon Breast Pump Review

Let’s review the products one by one

Pigeon Breast Pump – Manual

If you are looking for something handy and portable then this breast pump suits you the best. It comes with a absolutely amazing suction pads that fits perfectly to any size of bust and gives you a comfortable fit. Its valves have warranty to it and they are provided with to extra valves in case of need. If stimulation is the problem with your breast milk flow and ones pumped a few times if the milk flows perfectly then go for this piece. Many mother’s have reviewed this product as being their life saver. With BPA free quality of the material and a sturdy handle that give good grip while pumping are the plus of the product. It is provided with a feeding bottle at the bottom so you can store the breast milk immediately after exposing. Another pigeon breast pump review which is constant is it’s amazing price range which fits everyone’s pockets. Take a look at the product using the link below

Pigeon Breast Pump Review

Pigeon Milk Saver Breast Pump – Manual

This is another model provided by the brand. It is known as an haaka pump. It helps collect all the let down milk that gets usually wasted on the clothes or elsewhere when the baby is not feeding. It helps collect every drop of the milk that gets wasted its of a great help for new born mothers. These are the words used by  a new mother reviewing the product. It is very easy to attach and remove also very handy to clean and sterilise too. Check out the product using the link below –

Pigeon Breast Pump review

Pigeon Gomini Breast Pump – Electric

If you are looking for an electric breast pump but want it to be pocket size and portable then this is the product for you. As the name suggests go mini it’s a miniature version of the electric breast pump. Comes with two different modes to choose from that is stimulation and exposure. It’s a pocket friendly and portable size breast pump by pigeon. Check out the product here:

Pigeon Breast Pump review

Pigeon Breast Pump Pro – Electric

This product of pigeon comes with all functions of an electrical gadget with a very stylish digital display to work with which is touch screen making it using the pump a cake walk for mothers. They just love using this product. It comes with various modes to choose from like stimulation, massage and full exposure depending upon the needs of the mother. Massage phase gently massages the breast muscles and gives a relaxing feeling to the mothers. Stimulation and exposure phases gives complete let down and pumping of the milk. The pumping action of the product is made to match the natural rhythm of the baby. The pumping and the sucking of the baby are made to mimic so it gives a comfort fit and comfortable pumping. Find the link below

Pigeon Breast Pump review

Author’s Opinion

Using a breast pump for feeding is not an Indian tradition therefore there are various myths circulating around its usage. But if latching has been an issue for you, using a pump is a perfect choice by any mom. It won’t make you any less of a mom that you already are. Ultimately feeding is more important for the child and a pump will help in easing out the process. It will help in making the right nutrients go into your baby at the right time.

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So folk I hope this clears your doubts revolving around breast pumps and regarding the pigeon breast pump reviews. Their wide range of products makes it easy to fit the customers as per their needs . So choose the right product for your loved ones and let them have a comfortable motherhood. If you are choosing one for yourself don’t hesitate being a mother myself I trust this product completely. And honestly pigeon breast pumps give amazing results and amazon.in provides amazing offers in these products to choose from. Then why wait hurry and take a good look at all the products available on amazon.in.

Also Check: Pick From These Top Rated Breast Pumps

Happy parenting!!

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