Frustrated Mom Hates InLaws For Calling Her Daughter “Kali”(Black)

It’s sad that even in today’s time, colour discrimination exists but what’s more disappointing it to see such things happening at your own home. We got this post from sharing short story of a frustrated mom who didn’t want to reveal her identity yet wanted to share her sad experience upon becoming a mother:

Story Of This Frustrated Mom:

“I’m really frustrated because of my in laws..
My husband and his entire family have a slightly darker complexion. So they wanted their future generations to be “fair”. For that they wanted a fair Bahu. I came to know this much later being married to their son. My reason for marring him was his good and kind character and not his colour. Probably, I totally ignored this colour part despite of being fair. But their case of different, for them colour was a big priority.

During pregnancy my mother-in-law used to give me Kesar milk and Anar fruit (pomegranate) saying that it will make my baby fair. I had aversion to Anar. I felt like vomiting by the smell of it but if they’ll force and make me eat, I’ll just puke. This kept going on during my entire pregnancy.

Luckily after delivery my baby was born fair. Everyone was happy. They celebrated for the first 3 days and suddenly after that her colour started turning darker. Since then they have been blaming me for not having the right food or taking care of the baby during pregnancy. I cry to bed many times.

Frustrated Mom

They blamed me, I kept ignoring but since a few days they have started calling her “Kaali” (black in hindi). This has turned me into an a frustrated mom. I could tolerate bullying to myself but I can’t take it for her. Even though she is just 5months now and doesn’t understand it but even later when she grows up and starts realising what it means, I can’t accept her getting hurt. No one can imagine how traumatising this could be for her.

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Despite of being educated, highly qualified, these people call a baby like that and blame me for her complexion.
Im really frustrated.

Don’t know how I will deal with them in future.”

Yes, she doesn’t know what she might have to deal with in future. There could be many such episodes in future for her. This story is already raising 2 important questions:

Question 1: Do such people still exist in our country?

Question 2: What if someone else comes and bullies our kids for their completion? Because this could happen again.

Answer to question 1:

Yes, they exist and there are thousands of more such expectations, families have from the moms. We cannot imagine how they handle it.

Answer to question 2:

Tell her how beautiful she is.

Here comes the role of a good parent. Frustration is right. One can be frustrated but what your remedial action should be to tell your daughter/kid that she is beautiful. Make her believe that it has nothing to do with the colour or the body but it’s the heart and the mind that matters.

Raising a child right is in the hands of the parents, if they do a good job, the entire society would shut their mouth forever.

Also read: Nurturing Parenting Is The Right Way To Raise A Kid

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