Is Aptamil Stage 1 Formula Milk An Ideal Choice For Your Infant?

Infants are seen to be suffering from colic related issues frequently. This leads to panicking their mom’s who are not aware of the exact reason behind this. In this case, it is recommended to feed your infants with Aptamil stage 1 infant formula powder. This powder acts like a baby feed for infants up to 6 months. In this context, we will discuss the Aptamil stage 1 review. Let’s see why is it recommended by doctors and what makes it an ideal choice for the newborn. Also, we will ponder on the precautions required to follow before feeding this powder to the infant.

Table Of Content

  • What Is Aptamil Stage 1?
  • What Is Aptamil Stage 1 Review?
  • What Are The Benefits Of Aptamil Stage 1?
  • What Aptamil Stage 1 Side Effects?
  • Why Use Aptamil Stage 1 Formula Milk?
  • Precautions
  • Conclusion

What Is Aptamil Stage 1?

Aptamil Stage 1 is one of the most opted baby milk powder. It is considered as a best option to give to your child if you aren;t able to provide breast milk for whatever reasons. This baby milk powder is one of the first global brands Danone Nutricia in India.

What Is Aptamil Stage 1 Review?

Overall if we see, Aptamil Stage review mostly positive. Most of the users are highly satisfied with this product, further recommending it. This baby feed helps in relieving of colic problems in infants. It is observed that the infants are fond of the taste of this product feeding it smoothly. Its consistency is quite thick which is good. Infant feeding the Aptamil Stage 1 powder and suffering from colic problems is seen with poop getting uniform and timely. Also, it’s texture and colour are improved day by day.

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Aptamil Stage 1 powder is easy and convenient to use. As mentioned earlier this product helps in improving the digestive system in infants. It helps in relieving colic problems and constipation effectively. Along with this, it is seen baby gaining weight and being healthy. The continuous use of this powder to the infant, resolves physical weakness issues fulfilling the needs of the child. This also allows the newborn to have a great nap without disturbing their mom during the night.

Most users are greatly satisfied with the premium quality of this product. Also, this is quite budget-friendly. Many users are seen providing positive reviews on this product. This product is available with great packaging in the market. This product is available in the box including the outer pack and the inner pack with the same product name and expiry date mentioned. This helps in firm confirmation of this product.

Very few people had issues with this product. They found the product of bad quality. It was observed that the product was adulterated and stale. When mixed with water the powder turned yellow color instead of white. Also, the powder was not completely soluble in water.

Overall, Aptamil Stage 1 powder serves as an ideal choice for moms in feeding their infant. It is also recommended by WHO and satisfies the need of the newborn. It helps in providing enough nutrition and boosts the immunity of the child. This makes the little one chubby and energetic.

What Are The Benefits Of Aptamil Stage 1?

It is observed that Aptamil Stage 1 powder contains the appropriate nutrients required for the infants. It promotes boosting immunity, allowing physical growth, and improving digestive health. The immunity of the infant is boosted with the prebiotic mix of FOS and GOS, nucleotides, Beta Carotene, Zinc, Selenium, and vitamin A, C, and E. The optimum levels of DHA and ARA, Iron, Iodine, Folic acid, Taurin, and Choline present in Aptamil Stage 1 powder develops the brain and visual function in the newborn. Along with this newborn’s physical health is nurtured with the addition of Phosphorus, Calcium, Protein, vitamin D, and K providing more energy to the child. Infant’s digestive health is also promoted with whey predominant 100% lactose formula.

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All these formulations in this product make it the best substitute for mother’s milk allowing the newborn to be healthy and active.

What Aptamil Stage 1 Side Effects?

As far as nutrition is concerned, Aptamil Stage 1 side effects are not there. It’s good for maintaining proper food intake in infants.

However, as per a report by BBC, some moms mentioned that this Aptamil Infant Milk powder didn’t dissolve properly in the bottle. It left clumps at the end of the bottle. Another one Aptamil Stage 1 side effects reported by parents was that their babies had difficulties in digesting this baby milk powder.

Reactions of baby milk powders in infants varies from one another. Some times one thing suits a child but doesn’t work for another one. So my advice is that before forming any opinion, it’s better to try a small pack and see if it suits your baby. Discussing with your doctor is also a good solution.

Why Use Aptamil Stage 1 Formula Milk?

Aptamil Stage 1 powder is incorporated with a prebiotic mix of GOS and FOS in the ratio of 9:1. This makes it almost equivalent to human oligosaccharides present in mother’s milk. The quality of this unique blend is certified and confirmed practically by 20 years of research with added 30 clinical studies. As a result, it is highly recommended by doctors making it more reliable. This is considered as the best substitute when a mother’s milk is not sufficient or not available to their child.

Precautions while using Aptamil Stage 1:

It is highly recommended to follow the precautions while using Aptamil Stage 1 powder. Some points that are to be taken care of are mentioned below:

  • It is highly necessary to follow a doctor’s advice before using this product.
  • Ensure the quality of the product. The powder should turn white when properly dissolved with water and not yellow.
  • The powder should be properly packed and intact before use.
  • Following incorrect dilution, use of unsterilized spoons, bowls and utilizing water that is not boiled may affect the infant’s health.
  • The prepared feed should be immediately used within half an hour. Otherwise, the microbial contamination makes it unfit for use.
  • Feed only the required amount of scoops to the infant. Fewer scoops will make the feed concentrated and will not provide the adequate nutrients required for the infant. Also, more scoops will make it concentrated and will not provide the amount of water content needed for the infant.
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Mother’s milk is highly recommended and considered to be one of the best feed for infants. But in case mother’s milk is unavailable or insufficient then it is recommended to go for Aptamil Stage 1 powder. This acts as the best substitute and serves the same purpose. Also, the infants like the taste of the powder providing more nourishment to the newborn. The formulations present in the powder provide suitable nutrients adding to the physical fitness of the child. Workaholic mother’s who doesn’t get enough time to feed their infant can go for this excellent alternative.

Aptamil Stage 1 powder has helped many mothers and satisfied their needs. This feed is given to their infants right from their delivery up to six months. Apart from providing nutrition it also helps in relieving various weaknesses. It is now considered the most vital feed for infants delivering all the essential nutrients to them. This makes the little one bubbly and plumpy.

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