Jeshthamadh Benefits Health But Not In Pregnancy!

India is one of the only few places in the world where natural ingredients and herbs of various kinds grow in abundance. Most of these ingredients are beneficial for your health and this is the reason why these are also used in Ayurvedic medicines. However, increased intake of some could bring side effects to your body. Reasonable quantities of most of these herbs are good for your health. One of these ingredients that are really beneficial is Jeshthamadh. Having Jeshthamadh can bring you various benefits but only when taken within limit. Let’s discuss on this.

In this article we shall be discussing:

  • What is Jeshthamadh?
  • If Jeshthamadh should be taken during pregnancy?
  • What are Jeshthamadh benefits?

What is Jeshthamadh?

Jeshthamadh: Typically known as mulethi in India is a herb that is highly beneficial to cure cough and cold. It is among those herbs that you’ll always find in most of your grandma’s home remedies. Mulethi is also a key ingredient in many Ayurvedic medicines. It’s Ayurvedic name is Yashtimadhu. Mulethi benefits extend to curing problems like ulcers, hyperacidity, joint pains etc.

Jeshthamadh meaning in English: Liquorice


Is it safe to take Jeshthamadh during pregnancy?

Mulethi or Jeshthamadh during pregnancy is not a good choice says some doctors from America and Europe. Apparently the intake of mulethi can affect pregnant woman as well as can have adverse effect on infant in the womb. It has been scientifically provided in a research done by a team of experts in Finland at Helsinki University. 378 teenagers were subjects of study, which was done for 13 years split in two parts. One team of moms consumed fair amount of Liquorice while others didn’t. As a result those fetuses whose mothers consumed mulethi lacked way behind in their memory capacity in comparison to the second team whose moms didn’t consume any. Some other reported problems in kids were early puberty especially in girls and ADHD related diseases. It has been provide that Liquorice contains a harmful compound named “glycyrrhizin” which is not suitable for both pregnant mom and the baby. Even a study published in American journal of Epidemiology also proved that the consumption of Liquorice could have adverse effects on the baby. It is advisable that pregnant women should avoid intake of Jeshthamadh during pregnancy or should also avoid any food or food items that could have glycyrrhizin in it.

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Use of Mulethi must be avoided if you are breastfeeding. If you cannot eliminate it then at least limit it’s quantity to 6 grams a day.

However, as per Ayurveda, intake of mulethi is not restricted in pregnancy. Modern science does not approve of its intake but Ayurvedic medicines recommends its intake in moderation.

What are Jeshthamadh benefits?

Jeshthamadh benefits can be witnessed in the cures of many issues. It acts as a healing medication for some of the chronic health related issues that you might be facing for long.

  • Mouth ulcers can also be cured by the intake of Jeshthamadh. If taken in right quantity with the right herbs like giloy etc, this herb can cure cancer sores (white or yellow coloured) and Aphthous ulcers within just three days. In modern medication, you’ll take days to get rid of them.
  • Mulethi benefits your digestive system by soothing the gastrointestinal tract. It reduces the inflammation, heartburn, ulcers, peptic and other gastro related problems. It reduces acidity if taken in correct quantity with giloy, amla powder (Indian gooseberry) or coriander seed powder. Glycyrrhizin, the compound found in Liquorice is anti-acidic in nature, therefore cures acidity.
  • If you’ve had complaints of ulcers in stomach, intake of Jeshthamadh would heal your problem. People having recurring problem of stomach ulcers have reported this as beneficial herb.
  • Mulethi is a healing medicine for chronic problem of ulcerative colitis. A compound named Glabridin found in mulethi is quick cure of reducing inflammations of the intestines.
  • Another chronic disease like fatty (non alcoholic) liver can also be cured with the intake of Jeshthamadh. The issue of fatty liver occurs with the increase of liver enzymes. Mulethi reduces them and balances them to an appropriate quantity. Jeshthamadh is a healer but not a permanent cure for fatty liver.
  • One of the most common Jeshthamadh benefit can be seen in cough and cold. This herb has been acting as a best medication for throat issues and irritations. It anti bacterial properties is beneficial in bronchitis. It can also cure respiratory infection and also heals chronic cough and soar throat.
  • Increased levels of hepatic and serum cholesterol can also be reduced by the intake of Mulethi. Obviously you should leave your medication if you are having any but the use of this herb can help you get back into the defined levels.
  • Mulethi benefits the respiratory disease, which includes chronic asthma and other respiratory problems.
  • Intake of Mulethi can keep your hormones in control. It is also said to prevent hair fall.
  • It is also said to be a treatment for malaria, tuberculosis and skin problem like eczema. You can get rid of ichy skin, swelling and redness by the intake of this beneficial herb.
  • It helps in balancing the increased levels of potassium. This is highly beneficial for people dealing diabetes and other kidney related diseases.
  • Mulethi benefits in curing stomach as well as muscle cramps. It acts as a muscle relaxant, which is needed by women during their menstrual cycle. Abdominal spasm can be cured by the use of mulethi in moderate quantity. This herb is also a healer for pains caused during menopause.
  • In men, intake of Jeshthamadh can help in improving their sperm quality. It strengthens their body and fills it will rejuvenator effects. Men dealing with issues like seminal weakness or early discharge, this herb can be beneficial. However, it cannot cure loss of libido.
  • Jeshthamadh benefits people suffering with obesity. Increased weight is a big and common issues, not just in India but around the world. If taken in right quantity, as advised by Ayurvedic medicine, use of mulethi can reduce fat.
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What Are Best Known Jeshthamadh Uses?

Jeshthamadh is a highly beneficial herb in general. Its intake helps your body in different ways. There are different ways to intake Jeshthamadh. It could chewing it, use it in the form of tea or have tables. Here are some of the top options to intake Jeshthamadh that many people found appropriate.

  • Use Jeshthamadh or Mulethi as it is

This brings various benefits like boosting the immune system in both men and women. It can be used in tea, when the water is boiling.

Jeshthamadh uses
  • Use Jeshthamadh or Mulethi booster tablets with water or milk

If you cannot take the herb as it is, intake of Mulethi tablets is also a good way as it will help you extract the benefits.

Jeshthamadh benefits
  • Intake Mulethi tea

One of the best ways to having Mulethi is to use it in tea. These days, you can easily get variety of Mulethi tea in the market. In these you don’t need to add mulethi separately. Just make the tea in the normal tea making process. Here’s one option that you can pick. This Mulethi tea is beneficial for reducing effects of asthma or bronchitis.

Mulethi tea
  • Use mulethi or Jeshthamadh powder

Jeshthamadh powder is herbal and quite beneficial for your body. This Jeshthamadh powder can be used in tea or milk, the way you want.

Jeshthamadh uses

What Are Mulethi or Jeshthamadh side effects?

People dealing with stress related problems are likely to face Mulethi side effects. It can possibly increase your blood pressure but only if you’ve faced it in past. With no history of blood pressure, you are safe. However, the intake of mulethi should not be more than 10 grams a day and you must never continue taking it for more than a month in a go.

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Due to it’s tendency to reduce high sodium and potassium in body, Jeshthamadh can lead to increasing your blood pressure, bloating and retention of fluid. People who have faced issues in past have reported taken more than 50grams of mulethi in a day and continued for a long period.

Author’s Opinion

Jeshthamadh is an amazing herb. It can bring various health benefits for you. Its effectiveness can be seen in curing a lot of chronic problems that you might be dealing with. However, increased intake of anything is not good for your body therefore it’s advisable to have it within moderate quantity only. Your intake should not be more than 10 grams a day. When it comes to having Jeshthamadh during pregnancy, its advisable to avoid it and discuss with your doctor before having anything. After all pregnancy is a crucial and important period of your life. Handle it with care.

Even otherwise, I’ll recommend that keep your intake moderate because Mulethi can keep your body warm from inside so it’s good during winter but can have ill effects during the summer season.

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