6 Tips To Help You Become Nurturing Parents

Kids are God’s biggest gift in anyone’s life. It is thus important that as a parent a person devotes time for the child and cares for them so that they can truly be called as Nurturing Parents.

  1. Show your love and warmth to your kids 

Children accept and appreciate emotions with relative ease in comparison to adults. Thus, if a parent shows love and warmth for the child, it will be equally returned by the child and the parents can feel contended that they are nurturing parents in the real sense. The sooner a parent begins displaying these emotions for the child, better will be child become in life.

  1. Spend as much time you can 

Spending time with the child is the best way of understanding them. Doing things that the child loves also brings the parent close to the child. Spending time with the children also helps in building trust with them and builds a strong bonding between children and parents which would carry lifelong and give the parents the happiness of being nurturing parents.

  1. Listen to what they want to say and acknowledge their feelings

When a parent listens to the child, it amounts to acknowledging the feelings of the child. When dealing with children, pay attention to them and make them feel important. This way a parent will definitely achieve the objective of being a nurturing and caring parent.

  1. Develop a routine with them and follow it

When a parent develops a consistent routine it also amounts to taking a step towards nurturing the child. Once a parent develops a fixed routine towards caring for the child, the child also becomes responsible as they know of what is expected from them at a certain point.

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When the children have a routine, they also get freedom from the chaos of daily life and can indeed focus on knowing and discovering themselves.

  1. Nurture yourself to nurture them

Nurturing parents also need to invest in knowing and understanding themselves. A parent also has to nurture himself of herself when they have to care for the child. This can be done by indulging in small activities like taking a warm relaxing bath of enjoying a cup of tea. When a parent takes time out for recharging their own batteries, the patience and responsiveness towards the children attain a new level and the parents also become nurturing parents in the real sense.

  1. Make your kids a social person

Making the child social is also a viable way of being nurturing parents. The parents should take care and ensure that the child interacts and mingles with the society at large and develops a confident attitude when they move out in the open. Developing this confidence in the child also amounts to fulfilling the duties of being nurturing parent in the real sense.

Also read: What Is Permissive Parenting?

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