5 Foods That You Must Include In Your Pregnancy Diet

Looking at that pregnancy strip with a positive sign fills you with an emotion that no one can ever imagine. The fact that you are now going to have a person growing inside you makes you an extra mile conscious about what are you going to eat. Your body goes through big hormonal changes and staying in harmony with them, you have to keep nutrition intact in your diet. Here are 9 best foods that you must eat while being pregnant.

Pregnancy diet

  1. Eggs in any form

Eggs are a great way of protein and you must have them. Be it scrambled, fried or boiled, whatever way you like, you must have eggs. Along with proteins, eggs are a great source of choline which is a lesser known nutrient, highly recommended for fetal brain development. Choline, found in the yolk, also reduces the higher risks of neural tube defects, also known as spina bifida.

  1. Sweet potatoes

They are highly rich source of potassium, vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Iron, beta-carotene, copper and lots of nutritious fibre. Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene which is an antioxidant needed by your body to convert into vitamin A, highly needed for the development of your baby’s skin, bones ad eyes. They are also rich in raising iron content in your body along with copper which helps in absorbing iron even more. 

  1. Nuts

As almost everyone knows, nuts are healthy and are rich in fiber, proteins and huge variety of minerals and other nutrients. They are a great source of magnesium that you need to reduce the risk of premature labor. It is highly beneficial for good development of your baby’s nervous system. One cup of almonds contain 250mg of magnesium so it always a healthy snack to munch. You may also pick some pistachios with shells which might have slightly lesser magnesium but are really healthy.

  1. Pork and meat

Both pork and meat are a great source of vitamin B and iron, highly needed by both the mother and the child. Your body needs high volume of proteins, say about 25grms a day in addition to the usual intake. This ensure a healthy growth of the muscles of your child. Lesser intake might lead to low birth weight or preterm delivery. Meat is rich in vitamin B6, which eases the morning sickness of the woman and helps in the growth of your child’s tissues and brain growth.

  1. Orange Juice

Orange juice is a great source of Vitamin C, potassium and folate or folic acid that you need for your stable health during pregnancy. It is important, majorly, to prevent birth defects, chances of which are higher. Try and take at least 400micrograms every day. Potassium that you get from orange juice also helps in keeping your muscles functioning intact, increasing the metabolism and getting an overall good health. Vitamin C helps you and your child fight against cold and also improves good absorption of iron to keep the bones and teeth healthy.

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There are ample of more food that your body need during pregnancy, keep watching this space to get more information about what to eat while being pregnant.

To know more about what to eat during pregnancy, buy this book now: The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth

Pic courtesy: FamilyEducation & MyBump2Baby

Also read: “Carrying Post Pregnancy Weight Is Normal” – Every Mom Would Like To Hear This!

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