4 Parenting Styles That Are Being Used To Raise Kids

Parenting is no joke. No doubt, it might be a challenge to raise a child but with care and commitment, you could end up being a worthy parent. Every parent has their own style to raise their kids. Some want to force and some want to give space. Therefore, parenting styles have been categorised in 4 different categories mentioned below:

Authoritarian Parenting

Authoritarian parents are thought to be off as a disciplined lot. They often use strictness when it comes to raising the child. In this parenting, style communication is done mostly one way and rules are generally not explained. Parents who adopt this parenting style are often less nurturing. They also offer limited flexibility to their children.

Parenting style

Permissive Parenting

As the name indicates, permissive parenting is the style in which parents let the children act on their own and do not take up responsibility for their acts. This is the opposite style of strict parenting. Communication is open in this case but the parents often leave it to the children to decide what they want. In this case, expectations are minimal and are not set up by the parents.

Parenting style

Uninvolved Parenting

Such parents leave the decisions to children and give them a lot of freedom. However, such parents make a conscious decision to leave the care of children on the child itself. This is at times also done by lack of knowledge. Communication is limited in this case and the parents offer little nurturing to the children. There are no or little expectations from the children. A big danger in this kind of parenting style is that children might go in the wrong direction.

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Parenting style

Authoritative parenting

Such parents are reasonable and nurturing at the same time. They set high and clear expectations from their children. Children who have been raised under authoritative parenting often are self-disciplined.

Communication is frequent in this parenting style and is often appropriate to the child’s learning level. Such parents are nurturing in the real sense and often set high goals for the children. However, the children more often achieve these goals as they have been guided according to their skill set and learning instincts.

Parenting style

Picking up the best parenting style for the child is not a tough task and can be done if the needs and aspirations of the child are also taken into consideration. Check out the best parenting style and make the child a confident citizen of tomorrow.

To know more, read: The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind

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