7 Signs of Autism in 3 Year Olds

Our babies and children are our biggest joys. Our participation in their growth is very important as they start achieving their developmental milestones at their early childhood. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can stop our children from achieving some of these milestones. The disorder starts showing symptoms in babies but due to lack of knowledge in parents makes the diagnosis late. Most of the children get diagnosed with autism after the age of 3. It is easier to treat the disorder if it is diagnosed earlier. In this article we are going to talk about 7 signs of Autism in 3 year old children. This is for knowledge only and it is suggested not to make any diagnosis based upon it.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

ASD is a neurological disorder that negatively affects the development of a person’s social skills. Skills like learning, playing and communicating can be disrupted. The common symptoms of this disorder are obsessive interest, learning disability, anxiety, repetitive behaviour, impulsivity, lack of empathy etc. Some of the symptoms of ASD are very similar to ADHD symptoms.

7 Signs of Autism in 3 Year Old Children

Most people can find the signs of Autism at or after the age of 3 years in children. Most of the children get diagnosed with Autism at this period. We are going to discuss 7 signs of Autism in 3 year old.

  1. Playing with other kids can be difficult for children with autism. Children with autism prefer playing alone. They don’t like to share toys with other kids. They don’t get involved in activities to get attention from other children. They usually don’t prefer initiating conversation or playing with others.
  2. It is hard for children with autism to express their feelings and emotions. Most of the time they fail to understand others’ feelings like concern and anger also.
  3. They engage in repetitive behaviours like flapping their hands again and again or flicking their fingers repetitively. They even can use words, sounds and phrases in a repetitive manner.
  4. They can be obsessed with some particular toy or game. They mostly play with those toys and like to play that game. They can be obsessed with a pattern also. They prefer lining up things in a fixed manner.
  5. They might not find some colours, sounds, smells and tastes that are fine for others. And can show intense reactions against those.
  6. The children with autism may show signs of language delay. They may show limited speech and should not speak as much as children their own age.
  7. They can be picky eaters. They get obsessed with some food items or prefer eating foods of a particular colour. Their unusual eating habits become a big concern of the parents.
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Signs of Autism in 3 Year Olds

What to Do if Your 3-year Old Has Autism?

If you find the symptoms of Autism in your 3-year old then document those and visit your child’s paediatrician. The doctor will evaluate and make the diagnosis. If your child gets diagnosed with autism, the doctor will discuss the developmental and the behavioural concerns with you. They will also suggest to you the treatment process.

Earlier Detection of Autism in Babies And Children

It will be better if you detect the signs of Autism in your child as early as possible. Early intervention helps in better improvement for children with autism. At younger ages, the brain responds more effectively to the treatment. So, your child can grow to their full extent. According to CDC, children can get diagnosed at the early age of between 9 to 18 months as well. But many of them get their official diagnosis after the age of 2 when they join school and they face challenges to learn social skills. At an earlier age, the children are more likely to change their unusual habits.

How to Treat a 3-year Old Who Has Autism?

Having a child with autism is heartbreaking for a parent. Parents feel that they can’t create a bond with a child with autism. But with love, care, patience and understanding of the disorder, one can create an amazing connection with their child who has autism.There are some tips to have a better relationship with your child:

  1. You have to be patient. Children with autism need time to understand process information. And you have to slow down your conversational speed.You should show affection more often than usual.
  2. Children with ASD need a lot of love. Some of them prefer to be touched, some don’t. You need to understand their preference and offer a lot of affection.
  3. You should help them to learn to channel their anger in a non aggressive way. They should understand that they don’t need to keep their emotions inside.
  4. Always believe in your child. Never judge them based upon the diagnosis. They are human beings with great potential. So, you must help them grow.
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Autism can be a big challenge in your child’s behavioural and social development. But it is not inevitable. With proper treatment and therapy, you can help your child to achieve healthy growth and a better life.

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