7 Best Baby Care Tips For New Moms

Being able to decide to be a mom these days is not that easy. Yes, if you have done that, it wouldn’t be difficult to take care of your child going forward. However, new moms often find it overwhelming to care for their babies. You must know there are few do’s and don’t you have to keep in mind as soon as you become a mother. Here are few tips that would simplify things for you:

  1. Maintain self hygiene 

Baby care tips for new moms involve the need of maintaining self hygiene by the mother. This can be done washing and sanitising the hands and wearing fresh and clean clothes, every time the baby is picked.

  1. Know the right position to hold your baby

Holding the baby in the right position is another of the baby care tips for new moms which should be followed. When the baby is held, it should be ensured that the head of the baby rests on the crook of the arm with hands supporting the spine of the baby. The other had can be used to feed the baby or pat the baby’s cheek, as the case might be.

  1. Do not shake the baby vigorously (strict no no)

Shaking the baby vigorously can lead to injury of the brain. Another among the baby care tips for new moms will be to rock the baby gently from side to side, so as to allow the baby to sleep gently. Shaking the baby vigorously can do more damage than good for the baby.

  1. Skin to skin contact is extremely important 

The newborn baby should be given enough skin to skin contact so that the baby can feel the warmth of her mother. The noise the baby was able to hear in the womb was the heartbeat of the mother, so giving the baby enough skin to skin contact can bring them in touch with outer world in a natural manner.

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  1. Talk to the baby more often 

It might seem that talking to the baby is of little use. However, interacting with the baby comes with its hidden benefits. Brain development of the baby takes place at a faster pace when the mother talks with the baby. Alternatively, the baby is able to learn a lot more new words when interaction with the baby is done on a regular basis.

  1. Check their diapers after every few hours

The diapers of the baby should be changed on a regular basis. Maintaining hygiene of the baby is something on which new moms should take special care for. The diapers should be checked every four hours as these might need to be changed.

If the baby is kept on a soiled diaper it can lead to rashes which can cause some problems.

  1. Feed regularly, like really!

Babies when they are young often sleep for 16-20 hours. However, it does not mean that they are not to be fed during this duration. The baby will call out for the mother to feed them occasionally during this duration. Ideally, the baby has to be fed every two hours during this duration. The new mothers should be ready for such a schedule as caring for the baby in such delicate times will make them stronger, something which every mother does desire.

Also read: Top Baby Care Tips for New Moms

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