5 Signs of Autism in Toddlers Age 1

Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) is a type of neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a baby’s learning of social, behavioural and communication skills. It can be diagnosed in babies along with children. A baby as young as 9 months can show the early signs of Autism. An early intervention can help the baby to develop healthy and proper skills. 1-year-old toddlers can have multiple signs of Autism that will help the parents and the paediatrician to recognise the disorder. We are going to discuss 5 early signs of Autism in toddlers age 1.

5 early signs of autism in babies 12 months

Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder is difficult as there are no blood tests or other medical procedures available for this. One can recognise the signs from behavioural features only. These are the 5 major signs of Autism in toddlers age 1 if they have autism:

  1. Your Baby Doesn’t Prefer Sharing Happiness With You: One of the key signs of Autism in toddlers age 1 is when the baby prefers to smile or laugh at their parents when they are happy. Babies with autism don’t prefer to show their happiness. They rarely smile or show limited facial expressions. So, it becomes hard for the parents to understand if they are happy or not.
  2. Your Baby Rarely Responds to Their Names or Other Bids: When babies hear their parents talking to them or calling their names, they respond by looking at their parents. Babies also do respond to other bids like “come here”, “bye-bye”, “go there”, etc. If you point somewhere they will look there. Babies with autism don’t look where you are pointing; sometimes, they stare at your hand, though. And they rarely respond to you when you call them by their name or talk to them.
  3. They Don’t Prefer Imitating People: Another signs of Autism in toddlers age 1 is at the age of 12-13 months, babies learn to imitate people do or say. They perform various actions like sipping a glass or putting a hat on their head. They also start pretending and doing stuff like putting the dolls in bed and covering them with a blanket. Babies with autism prefer playing alone. They don’t imitate what others are doing or saying. They also don’t pretend while playing.
  4. They Love to Stick to a Routine They Create: Babies learn daily routines from their parents. And they are usually fine with any modification like eating earlier than the other days or some sudden change in daily routine. But autistic babies develop their daily routine and they do not like any changes to it. If your baby is getting irritated when you are trying to change their daily routine then they might have autism.
  5. Your Baby is Obsessed With Some Particular Activities or Objects: Babies can shift their attention from one object to another very easily. They can do the same with people as well and this improves their social skills. But babies with autism can’t do that. Rather they get obsessed with some particular object or activities. Such intense interest in one thing makes them excellent in that skill like building blocks. Sometimes, parents don’t even recognise this as one of the early signs of Autism in babies 12 months. Repetitive activities such as rocking back and forth continuously can be due to the obsession regarding the activity.
Read:  7 Signs of Autism in 3 Year Olds
Signs of Autism in Toddlers Age 1

Do Signs of Autism in Toddlers Age 1 Differ in Boys And Girls?

Boys are more susceptible to autism than girls. Only one baby out of four who is diagnosed with autism is a girl. Also, baby boys show more signs of Autism than baby girls. So, there is a huge chance that your baby daughter is going to get misdiagnosed. Autistic female babies more often get diagnosed as having developmental delays rather than autism. So, visiting an experienced paediatrician can help you to receive proper diagnosis and guidance.

Treatment for Autism

Autism is a troublesome disorder that can affect your child negatively. But that does not mean that your baby can’t live a healthy life. With various treatment procedures, they can achieve their fulfilment. These are some therapies and treatments that can help you and your baby:

  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  2. Speech Therapy
  3. Behavioral Management Therapy
  4. Physical Therapy
  5. Occupational Therapy
  6. Medications
  7. Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)
  8. Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
  9. Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)
  10. Verbal Behavioural Intervention (VBI)
  11. DIR/ Floortime Therapy
  12. Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
  13. Pivotal Response Training (PRT)

Autism Spectrum Disorder is not what will decide your baby’s future. And for that, early intervention is important for early signs of Autism in babies 12 months . With therapies and treatments, your baby can receive proper growth. But first, they need your support. You need to learn about their disorder and how to manage it. Your love and care are the foremost requirements for your baby’s happiness. If you are concerned about your baby’s learning, social and communication skills then you should contact an experienced paediatrician to improve their condition. Not only treatment but also your support is important for your baby’s treatment.

Read:  What Are the 3 Main Symptoms of Autism: Complete Guide for Parents

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